Varsity Swim here at Carmel is a winter sport. Sometimes, it can be difficult to balance the demands of school with swim—keeping up with practices, meets that aren’t over until 9pm and homework. They have practices in the morning, which requires waking up early and diving into the cold water first thing in the morning, before going to school for the rest of the day.
Sophomore Ava Berl, one of the leaders on the Swim team, states “ It is sometimes difficult to balance school and swimming only because some swim meets run to about 9 or longer on weeknights, making homework start around 10.” They also sometimes practice after school, and on top of that, do lifting workouts here at Carmel with Coach Justice in order to get stronger. The swimmers at Carmel are dedicated and talented, and they show off their skill at the swim meets. Most swimmers at Carmel swim year round at clubs, such as Swim Mac or MSA, which further enhance their skills.
Although being a dedicated athlete may be challenging, Carmel swimmers are committed to what they do, and they rise to the challenge. The team showed off their improvements this year at the State meet, where many swimmers achieved their personal bests and got to compete. The swimmers had to miss school on Monday to go to the state meet. Many swimmers got personal bests and their improvement.

One of the driving forces behind the team’s success is the coaches, led by Coach Johnson, who has been with Carmel for several years. Under her leadership, the team has not only been successful in meets this year, but also created an environment that emphasizes personal growth and improvement. The team has a collective team spirit, and the coaches set up an environment that encourages personal growth.

The bond that the swimmers have between each other is evident. Whether at a huge meet or just a practice, the team stands together, encouraging each other and lifting each other up. The strong team spirit is what makes Carmel’s swim program so special. Led by primarily under classmen, the team has a lot of potential for growth in the coming years.
At the State meet, which was the climax of the season, the women’s team placed 6th overall, while the men’s placed tenth. Notable individual achievements included Elise Berl’s impressive 2nd place finish in the 100 backstroke, Hannah Justice’s 6th place finish in the 500 freestyle, and Aaron Cochran’s top 5 finish in the 100 freestyle. Carmel swimmers consistently demonstrate their excellence, and the results at the state meet were a reflection of their hard work and dedication.
The Carmel Varsity Swim team exemplifies the values of dedication, teamwork, and perseverance. With talented swimmers who are committed to improving both individually and as a team, and a coach who creates an environment conducive to growth and support, the team continues to excel. Their collective effort and team spirit are key components to their success, both in practice and at swim meets.