Brady Brown is a freshman here at Carmel who has attended Carmel since the fifth grade, and he has enjoyed every moment.

Brown is very involved at Carmel and is a friend to many. Brown is the youngest of three boys, and he is a native Charlottean. His parents are from Texas, which means Brown bleeds the Lone Star state. Brown expresses, “I love all the Texas sports teams (Texas A&M, Houston Rockets, Houston Astros). My dog is even named Astro!”
Outside of the classroom, Brown can always be found occupied. Brown enjoys going to hang out with friends, but also staying in to spend time with family. Brown loves a good challenge and has mastered the art of the Rubix cube and has also worked in the art of hard-core video games. Brown also has a musical bone to him, he states, “I’ve played piano for 8 years. My friends and I have even tried creating music a few times.”

Brown also makes sure Christ is always his priority, and he enjoys taking part in weekly Bible studies and youth group at his local church.
Brown has already made a splash in the high school here at Carmel in only three quarters. Through opportunities like SGA, Model UN, NJHS, and various others, Brown hopes to continue making an impact on those around him.
Looking forward to the next three years of high school, Brown explained, “I just really want to have fun and live my life to the fullest. Not to be dragged down by stress of school but just to meet fun people and experience new things.” Brown is a history buff and loves social studies, but he is excited to find other topics that spark his interest. In the end, Brown hopes that in the future he will follow after his father’s example, and states, “He has used his gift from God in his way of thinking for his profession and has been able to use [his talents] for good and the benefit of others. I want to do the same thing.”

When asked to share a few words about Brady Brown, freshman Dylan Enright said, “Brady Brown is a great friend to me and the rest of my grade. He’s a funny guy and is crazy smart. I admire his bravery to do what he enjoys no matter what others think. He knows and talks to everyone.” Freshman Nolen Breen also stated, “Brady Brown is one of my closest friends and has been a true companion and a positive light in my life for 4 years now. He has always listened to me when I’ve needed someone to talk to and gotten me through many tough spots in my life.When I first met Brady I thought to myself ‘That’s going to be the Best Man at my wedding’ and nothing has changed since.””

Behr • Mar 12, 2025 at 10:16 am
I love you Brady
James Coleman • Mar 12, 2025 at 10:14 am
What a great guy 🙂