As the CCS body returned to campus this August, a new face was introduced to the administration team. Dr. Chris Fryar was placed on staff to serve as the new Associate Head of School, shortly after the retirement of Dr. Jack Kelly. Not only does Fryar prioritize new objectives for the school, but he also aims to understand and interact with each student who walks the campus halls.

Throughout his adolescent years, Fryar transitioned from different counties, states and even countries. He was born in Tennessee but spent most of his childhood in Arkansas. He was the oldest of three children and had supportive parents who poured into his life. Fryar married his high school crush in Memphis after they reconnected post-grad. Shortly after, the Lord called the newlyweds to Brazil for ten years where he worked for an international Christian school in numerous roles. The Lord called the Fryars back to the states in Arizona to begin building Christian Schools in the local area. During this time he served in multiple roles: Head of School, Associate Head of School, High School Principal, Elementary School Principal, Executive Director of academics and Middle School Principal.

When asked to describe what he was like in High School, “I was always known as the class clown, but always knew not to cross the boundaries of disrespect.” He was kind, desired to be a friend to all, respectful in the classrooms, enjoyed spending time with his friends and was heavily involved in school events and activities. Many believed because of his height that he was a star athlete on the field and or court; however, he used his musical talents in a band playing percussion.
Throughout his academic career, Fryar has had multiple opportunities to obtain numerous prestigious degrees as an educator. He began his college career at Arkansas State University, then transferred to the University of Phoenix to achieve his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. With this, he continued his job as a bag boy at the local grocery store, Kroger. He was then promoted to become corporate merchandiser for the stores in the Phoenix area. He then felt the Lord calling him to attend Seminary School. He completed the program and graduated from Liberty University. Acknowledging his passion for learning and education, this desire led him to pursue several educational degrees. He attended Union University where he graduated with his second master’s as an educational specialist. Fryar continued in his schooling career after his master’s as he finished up by acquiring his Doctorate at Union.

Dr. Fryar met his wife, Beverly, in his Junior year of High School. He had always had an interest in her but avoided dating because he treasured their friendship. After attending separate universities, the two reunited and have been married for 26 years. Beverly has been teaching high school science courses for 16 years. Together they have three children: two adopted sons and one biological daughter. Their oldest son, Caleb, was adopted from Hong Kong at 18 months old. He currently serves in the United States Navy in the Cyber Security Unit. Their younger son, Negash, was adopted from Ethiopia when he was five. He is currently attending Colorado State University majoring in International Business. Their youngest, Sarah Bethany, is a current sixth grader at CCS.

When Dr. Fryar is not on school campuses, he enjoys running, time with his family, traveling around the world, going to see movies, attending sporting events and cheering on his favorite college football team, the Arkansas Razorbacks.
When asked what brought him to Carmel he shares that after serving in Brazil, he and his wife desired for his children to have the opportunity to attend a School in the United States to have a traditional high school experience. After feeling that the Lord was closing the door in Arizona and with Sarah Bethany headed into middle school, Fryar prayed and asked the Lord, “Should we stay in Arizona for 6-7 more years so she can graduate from HS without the potential of moving somewhere?” He began searching through organizations to discover openings. He then connected with Dr. Hancock and became interested in the job position of Associate Head of School. He factored in the advantage of moving to North Carolina to be closer to his Arkansas family. He shared that he was encouraged by what he heard about the work at CCS. He loved the idea of a role that combined all of his various passions: working with principals, encouraging teachers and pouring into students.

Throughout Dr. Fryar’s journeys to different schools, one thing has remained constant at each location: his fun Friday costumes. Whether it’s Superman or an inflatable animal costume, he always desires to find a way to incorporate fun in school days and make himself approachable to the students. He states, “I don’t want to be someone who is invisible to the campus body and stays in the office, I want to form relationships with students K-12.” He is intentional about holding doors during morning carpools for high schoolers, going to middle school lunch periods and visiting elementary school’s classrooms.

Fryar has always had a love for costumes for over 17 years. He understands the pressures students of all ages face, and he feels that costumes are a way to brighten the student’s days. The idea behind his costumes on campus began when he was launching a brand new school during the COVID-19 pandemic. After normalizing the routine of fun Fridays on campus, the pandemic sent students home. Wanting to keep the tradition, he put on a costume and taped a video to be sent to the students at home. This became an everyday occurrence for the rest of the school year. The school families loved this idea and began dropping off costumes by the gate of the school to receive a shout-out. Word spread and social media/ local news stations began to feature Dr. Fryar and his creative costumes. When transitioning to CCS, he questioned whether the costumes were only a part of that past season and was curious to see their success, if any, in this new chapter.

On the first Friday of the school year, he was requested to make an appearance on the ES announcement video. He decided to dress up as Mr. Incredible praising the students for the “incredible” start of the year. As he left Mr. Womack’s office, children lined the halls to see “Mr. Incredible.” After many high fives, hugs, handshakes, classroom visits and trips to the middle and high school halls, the tradition has made its mark on campus.
Dr. Chris Fryar has experience being involved in schools with similar dynamics to that of Carmel’s. Within the halls and classrooms, he is respected for not only his vision for the campus but also the creative, fun-loving energy that he brings to the CCS culture.
Destiny • Feb 1, 2024 at 9:31 am
I love Dr. Fryar and his costumes
James Harakas • Jan 17, 2024 at 11:27 am
This is a very interesting article!
Bethany • Jan 10, 2024 at 9:23 pm
Great story and article
Sophie Muir-Taylor • Jan 10, 2024 at 3:03 pm
As always, so well done Emma! Dr. Fryar has such a fascinating and impactful life story. You covered his multi-dimensional personality, goals, and skills with insight and detail! Love this feature piece.
Dr. Chris Fryar • Jan 10, 2024 at 2:07 pm
I am humbled and honored to have such a wonderful article. You did a great job! You are a great writer and awesome person. I am thankful for the Lord’s grace and faithfulness throughout my life.
Thank you for taking the time to prepare the heartfelt article. I am thankful to be at CCS! What an awesome opportunity to have some FUN and get to know everyone! I know the Lord has amazing plans for your life!
Awesome Work!
Ellamay • Jan 10, 2024 at 11:30 am
Dr. Fryar brings so much joy to the hallways, and thank you for this wonderful feature!! it is so well written.
Kay Brinkley • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:31 am
Wonderful article, Emma! I feel like you really captured the essence of who he is and his leadership style. He is such a ray of sunshine and has great wisdom to share as well. Your writings always have great detail that help to enhance the pictures of the person.
Jordan Saunders • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:27 am
It’s crazy how much Dr. Fryar has done throughout his life before he came to Carmel. Thank you for sharing this amazing story, Emma!
Grace Hawley • Jan 10, 2024 at 10:16 am
This is amazing Emma! I love how you wrote this. It is so detailed and does a great job of shining a light on Dr. Fryar’s life!