Henry Blong, a current senior and part of the graduating class of 2024, has been at Carmel all 4 years of high school. Despite this, Blong’s CCS journey didn’t begin his freshman year, but rather, all the way back in the kindergarten classroom in 2011.
Like a handful of the other seniors graduating this year, Blong is a part of a smaller group of students known as the “Alpha and Omega.” This group consists of students who have attended Carmel from kindergarten all the way through their senior year. When asked about the best part of being one of these students, Blong states, “I think the best part of being an Alpha and Omega student is watching people grow… we get to see firsthand how we all change and learn from each other, whether it’s from mistakes or accomplishments.”

Despite being a part of the oldest group in high school, Blong is actually the youngest of his family to graduate from Carmel. Blong has three other siblings that have attended Carmel in the past: TJ Blong (24), Ross Blong (22) and Maddy Blong (20). Many who have interacted with Blong’s siblings during their time on campus can attest to the positive impact they’ve left, and a lot of their noteworthy qualities can be seen in Henry as he interacts with his fellow peers in the hallways.
Aside from school, Blong also engages in numerous extracurricular activities. Blong can commonly be found out on the soccer field during practices and games for Jay’s Jaguars, a recreational team for 9th-12th graders. Blong loves the team and the sport for its relaxed setting, the opportunity to get to know people in other grades and the chance to “witness Kevin Perez in all his glory.”

Another hobby Blong enjoys engaging in is fashion. Many describe Blong’s choice in clothing as unique, fun and ultimately something that helps liven up the typical school day. When asked about his sense of style, Blong states, “I would describe my sense of fashion as eclectic. I try to match colors and switch it up on a daily basis, but the best outfits are a reflection of who you are, not who you’re trying to be.”
One of the most important parts of high school are the lessons you take away from your experience. Blong, like many others, has a lot of unique experiences. However, when asked what his greatest takeaway from it all was, Blong believes that the value of deep relationships is the thing that matters the most. “Having been at CCS for as long as I have, there are friends and teachers that have known me since I was a child, which is really special,” Blong states.
When he’s not actively helping his teammates out on the soccer field or trying on new outfits, Blong can be spotted both in and out of the hallways of Carmel spending time with friends. Those who are close to him love Blong for both his outgoing personality as well as his interests. He hopes to find people that he can share a relationship with the same way he could at CCS as he makes the step to UNC Chapel Hill next year.
Bethany Welch • May 9, 2024 at 6:45 pm
Great article
Dr. Chris Fryar • May 2, 2024 at 10:24 pm
Luke, this is a great article that highlight Henry and his years at CCS. Way to go!
Sophie Muir-Taylor • May 2, 2024 at 2:44 pm
Well done Luke! Henry is such an easy student to highlight and I love the emphasis on his style! So cool!!
Emma Coffey • May 2, 2024 at 9:00 am
Henry is one of the funniest people I have ever met! So thankful for our friendship and the impact he’s had on CCS!! Great job, Luke!
Brantley • May 2, 2024 at 8:18 am
Henry is so cool and I love his sense of style